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sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010


Since many of you on my last post quoted Mushrooms I'd like to post something I did a while back with the same brushes on Psychedelia ^^

I did mushrooms 2 years ago, I bought a growkit and me and a friend did them... I saw a wise elephant comming out of the wood in my closet, we spoke alot ^^

Wise shit, shrooms ^^

Again, keep up the feedback please.

19 comentários:

  1. I love these pictures :D
    post them more often :P

  2. That is some nice art man, you should do some commission work for people.

  3. Always wanted to try shrooms, maybe one day I'll get a chance...

  4. Interesting picture, and an equally interesting elephantine story.

  5. Fun with Photoshop brushes!

    I have this thing , every three or four days I'm spending whole day just on fun with PS :]

  6. Wow bro, you said your blog was about GFX but there was no need to show a noob like me up! lol :P

  7. nice work there - it does remind me of doing shrooms

  8. I always thought of shrooms as one of the more interesting kind of drugs. I mean, being able to actually see things that arent there would be cool. Still, I wouldnt do them.

  9. Sounds like some kind of wicked trip bro.

  10. <3 shrooms. they feel so much cleaner than synthetics.

  11. Thank you all for your comments, I assure you, it wasn't a bad trip, it was a rather cool and interesting trip. My friend saw Donnie Darko's bunny and had a bad trip xD

    Anyway, glad to know ya'll like it =D
